Responding to the Global Ecological Crisis

Submitted by Shams Kairys

Over the last year-and-a-half, the Kinship Activity has presented a series of virtual gatherings hosted by Shams Kairys that bear witness to current threats to the natural world while fostering a sense of the sacred and a spirit of positive engagement.

The upcoming event on December 17 at 3:00 ET features a conversation with Jemaluddin Bolling about “The Food Connection.” Jemaluddin founded the Atlanta Community Food Bank almost 50 years ago, and has continued to help create local, regional, and national alliances and institutions addressing issues of poverty, affordable housing, urban agriculture, resiliency, equity, and civic engagement. His gift for bringing diverse people together to help those in need at all levels has made him not only a national voice in addressing food security, but also a respected convener and mentor to others.

Programs over the past year can be found on the Inayatiyya Vimeo page. They include:

• “Staying Awake in Precarious Times” in September, with Nora Manon Müller and Anselm Ibing, living in France (plus a guest appearance by their new baby, Emile).
• “The Joy of Nature” in June, with Alexia Allen and Daniel (Hamid) Kirchhof, who live and work on Hawthorn Farm in Woodinville, Washington.

• “Kinship With All Beings” in March, with Sharifa Oppenheimer, author on the four directions of kinship: with the Divine, with others, with the Earth, and with all creatures.

• “The Call of the Sacred: Healing our Relationship with the Earth” in December with Wali Via, retired farmer and Ziraat leader from Oregon.


Programs in 2022 will include guest presenter Joanna Macy in March on “Living with Relevance”and Diana Badger in May on “Growing in New Ways.”

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