Hope Project Newsletter Dec ’22

Dargah Hazrat Inayat Khan The Hope Project has been able to return to routine programme with valuable additions to overcome consequences of the Covid-19 lockdowns. New toddlers have been welcomed to the creche. More young adults are aspiring to employment in finance, nursing and the corporate sector after completing computer training. Read some of theContinue reading “Hope Project Newsletter Dec ’22”

Human Rights Day, December 10, 2022

The 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights There is One Law, the law of reciprocity, which can be observed by a selfless conscience, together with a sense of awakened justice. –H.I.K.   The theme for Human Rights Day this year will be the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR),Continue reading “Human Rights Day, December 10, 2022”

Collaboration on Race, Place and Space

On October 1, 2022 the Kinship Activity collaborated with Universal Worship to offer a community celebration Attuning to Race, Place and Space at the UW Convocation in Richmond, VA.  Dozens attended the event held at the Episcopal Roslyn Retreat Center on land had been cleared and trenched by the enslaved community. Jabriel Hasan led theContinue reading “Collaboration on Race, Place and Space”

Deepening our Commitment to Equity and Harmony

Over 200 people registered to participate in the Inayatiyya’s 21 Day Racial Equity Building Challenge which ran from Nov. 1 to Nov 21. Credit for the design of the program goes to Dr Eddie Moore, a national leader committed to garnering skills for living in a diverse society. He provides leadership training grounded in buildingContinue reading “Deepening our Commitment to Equity and Harmony”

Australian Sufis in Partnership with First Nations

By Nirtana Vivienne Robertson Creative Director Reclaim the Void | Kinship Coordinator Australia Reclaim the Void: weaving country whole is a partnership between Sufi and Australian First Nations ways. I believe it arose from asking the right question. Whilst in a small remote West Australian town on the edge of the desert I was meeting withContinue reading “Australian Sufis in Partnership with First Nations”

A Litany of Wild Graces: Meditations on Sacred Ecology

A new book by Sharifa Oppenheimer                            We are happy to share the release of a new publication: A Litany of Wild Graces! Perhaps it will sit on your bedside table and poem by poem seep into your dreams and inspire your days.Continue reading “A Litany of Wild Graces: Meditations on Sacred Ecology”

Aotearoa NZ Kinship Initiative

There are many social justice issues simmering under the surface in New Zealand, a story familiar to all colonized countries, and although New Zealand has a reputation for having good race relations and equal opportunities, many would say that is overstated. Māori make up over 50% of the prison population, despite being 15% of theContinue reading “Aotearoa NZ Kinship Initiative”

Help Us Honor our Chishti Ancestors

The chain of transmission of the Inayatiyya encompasses the teachings and lineages of four great Sufi orders; the Chishti, Suhrawardi, Qadiri, and Naqshbandi. The Chishti Order was founded in Afghanistan and later spread to the Indian subcontinent. In 1910 Ḥazrat Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan was the first Chishti teacher to arrive in the West. In the lastContinue reading “Help Us Honor our Chishti Ancestors”

Important Update from The Hope Project

Submitted by Board members Richard Cuadra and Carmen Hussein Kids in Nature Program (KIN) has been a program at The Hope (in Nazamuddin Basti, Delhi, India) for seventeen years. Years ago we rented a bus with forty children and ten staff and toured different areas of India all the way to the ocean. There, some students becameContinue reading “Important Update from The Hope Project”

Pilgrimage 2021 to Fazal Manzil (The House of Blessings)

Submitted by Halim Bruno Knobel, VP Kinship Europe (Switzerland) Basira Hela Hasemann (Germany) It is part of the tradition of the Kinship branch of the European countries in our Inayatiyya family to hold a meeting every two years in Suresnes, a city on the outskirts of Paris. This is the location of the former homeContinue reading “Pilgrimage 2021 to Fazal Manzil (The House of Blessings)”